Tuesday, December 26, 2006

First Time in the World of Blogging

Alas, it is time to become part of the 21st Century and begin to harness the power of the free publication (the blog) to bring to light the work of coalition and prevention. This forum will focus on those things that can only be solved by the entire community. We hope this forum will force people to think, have a conversation and maybe even inspire to action.

About the author(s) This blog will be serviced by many people who work for or on behalf of a coalition called The Community Partnership, located in Toledo, Ohio. The primary author is Deacon D. who has been working in the substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco and other drugs) for 16 years and the coalition field for 13 years.

Here are some thoughts to chew on. 1. Is the pervasiveness of the alcohol industry negatively impacting our society? 2. Do their alternative products such as Budweiser BBQ sauce promote underage drinking? and 3. Are there things we ("the average joe") do about underage drinking?
If you have thoughts post them, we will be posting our ideas later in the week.
Happy Reading!!!
Deacon D.


Unknown said...

Thank you for this excellent opportunity to consider the questions. I am of the mindset that the advertising done by the alcohol industry is indeed so pervasive that it is actually an accepted norm among most people. The industry has been able to shift the burden of its product consequences and reap extraordinary wealth. I would like to pose another question. How many of our coalition members have viewed the web-based "games" the industry (alcohol and spirits) is putting online? How much more "normal" will alcohol be as a natural part of the next generations thinking and activity as these messages permeate the online environment oo?

Dannie said...

1. Yes the alcohol industry and how society reactes to the product definately sends a negative message in our society. It has become so normal that now the industry is looked upon by most as being picked on by those who try to keep the community normal and well functioning.

2. The alternative products offered by the alcohol industry helps to build consumer loyaly and name recognition. It seems to be especially influential to kids because of the taboo of what it is and how those products are otherwise forbidden to them. When young people see that the products like BBQ sauce does not hurt them they are more willing and curious to try the real alcohol products. It appears the industry has done good taget marketing and found products that can be appealin to young people when they dtart to drink with more sweet taste.

3. There are a number of things that average people can do to stop underage drinking. 1. Join your local community coalition, there is power in numbers and like minded people can help with strategies that will be very effective. 2. Dont buy products or from stores that seem to be preditors to our young people. Most areas has a store that sales to young people or do other things that are harmful in our communities, it is our duty not to patronize these places. 3. Support elected officials that make a stand on prevention underage drinking.